It's been in the news for the last few days now. President Obama will be giving a speech to kids from Pre-K to sixth grade next Tuesday. The White House is spinning this into just a general speech about the importance of education. Thats fine and dandy, if that what it truly is. The President has surrounded himself with far-left radicals that would love nothing more than to turn kids into little left-wing radicals from the start.
The Department of Education has already come under fire for distributing accompaning learning materials and follow up questions to ask the kids after the speech. Good luck asking a group of 1st graders how the speech made them feel.
If Obama wanted kids to have more fun learning, he would do what is within his Constitutional power to improve the economy so states would have more tax revenues to hire for teaching positions they have had to leave vacant. School systems are so strapped for cash they have basically eliminated all unneccesary travel and trips. My wife, who is a teacher, has a yearly music educators conference. This year, she has already learned that the school will not reimburse her for any costs (registration, hotel, meals, gas, paying for her substute) associated with the conference. So, she may not even attend.
Maybe Bill Clinton should give Obama some advice. "It's the economy, stupid."